This week is National Fertility Awareness Week. Celebrities such as Dylan Dreyer on the Today Show and others are sharing their personal infertility struggles and finding support from friends, family, and medical interventions. At Allen Acupuncture & Wellness, achieving a healthy pregnancy is one of my specialties–in fact, I have co-authored a book called Acupuncture & Infertility, available on Amazon.
It is the inability to achieve or retain pregnancy while trying for a certain amount of time–the amount of time varies, depending on whose definition is used. Some conditions causing infertility are:

- Endometriosis & Fibroids
- PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or POI (premature ovarian insufficiency)
- Thyroid dysfunctions
- stress, malnutrition, celiac disease
- poor egg quality, high FSH, and immune imbalances
- poor sperm quality and quantity
- recurrent miscarriages
If the person has never been able to conceive, it is categorized as primary infertility. But just as devastating is secondary infertility, which is the inability to conceive or retain pregnancy after previously giving birth.
I utilize acupuncture, herbs, and nervous system balancing techniques to help women achieve fertility in a compassionate setting.
How can acupuncture , herbs, and other therapies help?
Acupuncture has been proven to increase the odds of pregnancy with IVF, with some estimates as high as a 40% increase. Alone, acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress, balance hormones, and increase circulation to the ovaries and uterus, or testes in men. This helps couples get pregnant!

Herbs enhance fertility and increase the value of treatments. With many herbs that improve circulation to the abdomen and nourish the reproductive system, egg and sperm quality is improved, pregnancy is retained, and healthy babies are born!
The nervous system balancing techniques are unique to Allen Acupuncture and Wellness. Using a massage technique called Tui Na, I help balance out the nervous system and eliminate dysfunctions. For example, I have seen fibroids shrink and endometriosis vanish. Hot flashes and irregular menstruation from hormone imbalances become a thing of the past.
Dietary and lifestyle changes can have a HUGE impact on fertility. For example, in some women, cutting out sugar for a few months can help them get pregnant. For others, choosing the right forms of exercise with the right intensity will be the difference. Individualized recommendations are made based on the individual patient. No two people are the same, so the treatments will not be cookie-cutter either!
What now?
If you are struggling with infertility, please know YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are others dealing with the same issues you are. And you will find compassionate, holistic care here.

If you know someone who is struggling with infertility, or miscarriage, it is so important to show support. And may I offer some tips to communicate well with your friend or loved one?
- tell them you are here for them and share your love and concern.
- avoid sharing success stories of others you know–each person’s case is unique and the details of an acquaintance may not be encouraging to the person struggling.
- don’t say it will be okay. It might not be, and it definitely doesn’t feel that way.
- please allow your friend to share their feelings… or not share…
- if you are pregnant and your friend is struggling, don’t feel guilty! The person who is struggling with infertility is happy for you. Just be sensitive.
The takeaway…

There is hope! Acupuncture, herbs, and balancing techniques are just the start of what can be done to help a couple with infertility. In addition, stress and anxiety about the whole process will be reduced through these therapies.
The good news is that, while many insurance companies do not cover infertility treatments, many DO cover acupuncture! You can verify your insurance benefits HERE.
Help is just a click, call or text away! Call 561-285-2862 for more information how acupuncture could help you fulfill your dreams of a child.